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See the Highlights from our reigning Queens time in Cambodia!

Before deciding to bring Universal Woman to the UK, we sent one of our most successful former Queens to Cambodia to compete in the International Universal Woman Grand Final.

Ashley has held several titles in the past;  Miss International UK & Miss International Europe 2017; Miss Scuba UK & Miss Great Britain. We couldn’t think of a better Queen to represent the UK!

Ashley returned from the finals in Cambodia with two new titles: Universal Woman Europe and Universal Woman Perfect Figure! We knew she would do amazing but WOW! Ashley also placed in the top 12 of the Universal Woman international finals, putting Great Britain on the pageant map!

If this wasn’t enough, Ashley had the most amazing time in Cambodia and made memories that will last a lifetime! See the highlights below.

If you want to be in the chance to win a place on this trip of a lifetime, click the link below to enter!

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